Headteacher - Mr Wake
Responsibilities include Designated Safeguarding Lead, teaching, staffing, attendance, timetabling, inset provision, governor, performance management lead, newsletters, monitoring and evaluating, curriculum overview responsibilities, Health & Safety, child protection, behaviour, responsibility for assessment, including marking and reporting to parents across the school.
Senior Teacher - Mrs Maloney
Responsibilities include KS2 Co-ordinator, SAT's co-ordinator, Maths Lead, monitoring and evaluating, performance management lead (TA's), Deputy Safeguarding Lead, curriculum topic overview responsibilities, G&T coordinator, training for TA's.

Key Stage 1 Lead - Mrs Rees
Responsibilities include phonics and KS1 assessment, KS1 coordinator, KS1 SAT's coordinator, monitoring and evaluating, monitoring and evaluating T&L.
EYFS Lead, EYFS Coordinator - Mrs Allman
Maths Lead - Mrs Maloney (GOV)
Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Maths across the school, monitor and plan improvements, attend training, provide CPD.
English Lead - Mr Wake
Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Literacy across the school, monitor and plan improvements, attend training, provide CPD.
Science Lead - Mrs Rees
Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Science across the school, monitor and plan improvement, attend training, provide CPD.
Pupil Premium Lead
- Mr Wake

Coordinate and monitor the use of PP across the school, monitor and plan improvement.

Looked After Children - Mr Wake
Equality and diversity coordinator.
SENCo - Mrs Linnell
Arts Lead - Mrs ReesMFL Lead - Mrs MaloneyHistory & Geography Lead - Mrs MaloneyMusic and PSHE Lead - Mrs AllmanRE Lead - Mrs MaloneyPE Lead - Mrs RoyalELSA Lead - Mrs JenveyS&L Lead - Mrs FerrierICT & Tech Lead - Mr Hammerton
Class Teachers
Mrs Maloney
Mrs Rees
Mrs Allman
Mr Popple
Miss Gorman
Mrs Callaghan
Mrs Cascarini
Mrs Sharp
Mrs Jenvey
Mrs Royal
Mrs Ashdown
Mr Enser
Mrs Ferrier
Mrs Lee
Specialist Teachers
Foundation Subjects Co-ordinator - Mrs Rees
Coordinate and monitor foundation subjects, centralise resources and action planning.
Office Administrators
Mrs Anderson (Office Manager)
Mrs Taylor
Mrs Townend
School finances, contracts
Mr Booth (Chair), Mrs Rainford (V. Chair), Mr Searle (V. Chair), Mr Wake, Mrs Lamb, Mrs Maloney
Clerk to the Governors
Mr Booth (Chair)
Supply TeacherSite Manager
Mr Andre
Catering (Caterlink)
Jo Simmonds
After School Club

Pre School@St Helens
Midday Supervisors
Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lee
(Top Mops)