Headteacher - Mr Wake Responsibilities include Designated Safeguarding Lead, teaching, staffing, attendance, timetabling, inset provision, governor, performance management lead, newsletters, monitoring and evaluating, curriculum overview responsibilities, Health & Safety, child protection, behaviour, responsibility for assessment, including marking and reporting to parents across the school. |
Senior Teacher - Mrs Maloney Responsibilities include KS2 Co-ordinator, SAT's co-ordinator, Maths Lead, monitoring and evaluating, performance management lead (TA's), Deputy Safeguarding Lead, curriculum topic overview responsibilities, G&T coordinator, training for TA's. |
Key Stage 1 Lead - Mrs Rees Responsibilities include phonics and KS1 assessment, KS1 coordinator, KS1 SAT's coordinator, monitoring and evaluating, monitoring and evaluating T&L. | EYFS Lead, EYFS Coordinator - Mrs Allman | |||||||||
Maths Lead - Mrs Maloney (GOV) Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Maths across the school, monitor and plan improvements, attend training, provide CPD. | English Lead - Mr Wake Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Literacy across the school, monitor and plan improvements, attend training, provide CPD. | Science Lead - Mrs Rees Coordinate, monitor and evaluate Science across the school, monitor and plan improvement, attend training, provide CPD. | Pupil Premium Lead - Mr Wake Coordinate and monitor the use of PP across the school, monitor and plan improvement. Looked After Children - Mr Wake Equality and diversity coordinator. | SENCo - Mrs Linnell | ||||||
Arts Lead - Mrs Rees | MFL Lead - Mrs Maloney | History & Geography Lead - Mrs Maloney | Music and PSHE Lead - Mrs Allman | RE Lead - Mrs Maloney | PE Lead - Mrs Royal | ELSA Lead - Mrs Jenvey | S&L Lead - Mrs Ferrier | ICT & Tech Lead - Mr Hammerton | ||
Class Teachers Mrs Maloney Mrs Rees Mrs Allman Mr Popple Miss Gorman Mrs Callaghan Mrs Cascarini | HLTA's Mrs Sharp Mrs Jenvey Mrs Royal | TA's Mrs Ashdown Mr Enser Mrs Ferrier Mrs Lee | Specialist Teachers N/A |
Foundation Subjects Co-ordinator - Mrs Rees Coordinate and monitor foundation subjects, centralise resources and action planning. |
Office Administrators Mrs Anderson (Office Manager) Mrs Taylor | Bursar Mrs Townend School finances, contracts | Governors Mr Booth (Chair), Mrs Rainford (V. Chair), Mr Searle (V. Chair), Mr Wake, Mrs Lamb, Mrs Maloney | Clerk to the Governors Mr Booth (Chair) | |||||||
Supply Teacher | Site Manager Mr Andre | Catering (Caterlink) Jo Simmonds | After School Club Pre School@St Helens | Midday Supervisors Mrs Taylor, Mrs Lee | Cleaner (Top Mops) |