Message from Gary Booth,
Chair of St Helens Primary School Governors
Welcome to the Governors’ page of our school website.
As Governors of St Helens Primary School, we are ambitious for every one of the children at our school and are committed to pursuing a programme of continuous school improvement to achieve the best possible outcomes. We have signed up to the National Governors’ Association Code of Conduct and have defined our core aim, namely:
to be an effective Governing Body, that works to maximise the potential of every child in a safe and caring environment.
Our main job is to set the strategic direction of the school. These are our three strategic priorities:
- Ensuring the vision, ethos and strategic direction of the school are clearly defined
- Ensuring the Headteacher is held accountable for the performance of the school
- Ensuring the financial resources of the school are used in a sound, proper and effective way.
Through a programme of school visits and Full Governing Body (FGB) and working group meetings, we monitor progress against the school improvement plan (SDP) and Action Plan. We ensure we know the strengths and weaknesses of the school and can provide a balance of challenge and support to the Headteacher and senior staff in areas including:
- Teaching, learning and assessment
- The transition from pre-school and the progress of children in EYFS
- Financial management and spending, in particular the effectiveness of Pupil Premium Funding in ‘closing the gap’ in progress and attainment of vulnerable groups
- Effectiveness and consistency of behaviour management
- Equality of opportunity and inclusion
- Effective safeguarding, including the implementation of the school’s Prevent policy
- Effective promotion of the children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural development (including the promotion of British Values), as well as their physical well being
- Effective attendance management.
Training is important for all Governors, and we conduct an annual skills audit to identify need. The school buys into Hampshire Governor Training System, which provides training across the South of England as well as the Isle of Wight. All governors take part in induction and safeguarding training and undertake other training courses throughout the year.
We evaluate the impact of the Governing Body to ensure we are making a positive contribution to school improvement. We do this in a number of ways, including through our regular Strategy Group meetings and our annual development day, which all Governors attend.
If you would like to know more about the Governing Body, please contact the Clerk via the school office.
Gary Booth