My name is Mr Carl Wake and I am delighted to be the Head teacher of St Helens Primary School.
I joined the school in April 2018 on a temporary basis when the position became vacant due to the retirement of the long serving head. After a few weeks, I realised I had found the perfect school and have not looked back since.
The school has many strengths and our values: creativity, determination, excellence, respect, responsibility and tolerance, are always evident and fully supported by all members of our school community.
This includes:
- teaching staff who always set high learning expectations and work tirelessly to support the pupils by providing an exciting and diverse curriculum to maintain the children’s interests.
- The school support staff who provide first – class communication between the school, parents and local community .
- governors who are very supportive and proactive and oversee the management side of a school: strategy, policy, budgeting and staffing, as well as working alongside senior leaders and teachers to provide excellent education to children.
- parents who attend parent’s evenings, celebrations and fund-raising events and support the school to maintain high attendance levels. The FOSH (Friends of St Helens) provide a range of amazing events for the whole community throughout the year which are always popular and well attended.
- And of course our pupils who are the heart of the school with their respectful manner and commitment to doing their very best. They are the future of the village and our wider community. A particularly positive feature of our school is the way our older pupils take care of the younger pupils mixing well during whole school events. We are very proud of our pupils.
We a small village primary school with a strong community ethos attracting children from both the village and surrounding areas; approximately 40% of our pupils come from St Helens but we attract children from Ryde, Sandown and the East Wight villages as well as some pupils from further afield. Many families from out of the area seek a small school with a safe, friendly and family atmosphere for their children.
Our broad and balanced curriculum is something we are particularly proud of. Wellbeing days, space camp, science experiences, beach school, community events, Mardi Gras, sports clubs and a programme of visits are just a selection of what we offer.
If you would like to visit our school to learn more about us please ring us on (01983) 872442 and I will gladly show you around.
Kind regards
Mr Carl Wake